Boston Marathon Dana Farber

Dana Farber Boston Marathon
Tracy at the Disney Marathon

If you want to help out a fundraiser (and maybe win a few $$$’s yourself) please consider buying a square in Tracy Simons Saperstein final 4 pool.

Tracy is running the Boston Marathon (incredible as it sounds) and is doing so on behalf of Dana Farber.

Her original goal was $4,000 and I did not think there was any way she would reach that. I stand corrected. Tracys’ NEW goal is $26,200 and I am confident she will succeed. If you can make a small donation it is appreciated. If you want to buy a final 4 square for $30 (2% chance of winning big bucks) equally appreciated.

Contact Tracy directly for the final 4 squares. Quick link for any donation below. Tracy what you have done is amazing. I am so proud to tell everyone you are my sister.



